
Copyright : Graaf / Institute HFM. December 2001

Translated 22-02-2005

The therapy human functionality of motion (HBF) is occupied with complaints concerning the motor apparatus. Among them also complaints being merely pointed to as ‘psychosomatic’. The vision about this concerns mainly four points of departure which are only shortly indicated here and which are summarily worked out hereafter under Theory HBF.

1. The viewpoint of functionality

Posture and movement are consequently approached from the viewpoint of functionality, as this was introduced by F.J.J. Buytendijk in his book "General theory of human posture and movement" (1948).

This theory and its consequences fit in seamlessly with theories of present-day brain-researchers like Gerald Edelman, Antonio Damasio, Oliver Sacks, Steven Rose, Israel Rosenfield and many others. This theoretical point of departure is thought so important that we have established it in the name of our institute: Therapy Human Functionality of Motion (HBF).

2. The notion of positionality

Characteristic for the diagnostics and therapy HBF is also the introduction and development of the notion of positionality, as a further elaboration of the viewpoint of functionality mentioned under 1. In this point of view a distinction is made between centric and eccentric positionality as regards the way the human executes his function of movement. Be able to move without complaints supposes (except in special situations) an ability of motion in centric positionality.

3. Cerebral function and the function of motion

Regarding the functions of the brain which determine the behaviour of motion a great importance is attached to the ideas of Gerald Edelman (and the other brain researchers mentioned before) that the (still common) theories about function localisation in the brain are wrong. The behaviour of motion is controlled from an indivisible meshwork inseparably interwoven with the observation of things and humans, with their significance of movement, together with all the adapted, attached forms of motion.

4. Biomechanics

Both in theory and practice a lot of research is done in the field of biomechanical principles, but always in their subordination to and their dependence on the three points of departure mentioned before.
